Wood, being a traditional and sometimes sustainable material is often used in a wide variety of applications. However, the choice of wood may reduce functionality if the environmental conditions do not meet specific requirements. Due to Wood being susceptible to many things, its lifespan and maintenance becomes incomparable to composites.
Here are some of the benefits of switching to composites:
Pest Resistant
Being a natural composite, wood is prone to organisms like pests and fungal decay, all of which causes extensive damage that can be expensive and difficult to repair. Composites are resistant to pests, making them ideal for anything from window frames to utility poles.
Low Maintenance
Wood and composites have immensely different cleaning and maintenance methods whereas composites have close to none. To protect wood from outside conditions it is important to constantly inspect for rotting. If the material needs to hold up to presentable standards, it may also need to be power washed, sanded and stained. Composites on the other hand may need the occasional soap and water. It stays presentable due to UV protection which makes the color last.
Dimensionally Stable
In indoor and outdoor applications, wood has the tendency to swell and shrink due to temperature and moisture changes. Composites can withstand extreme temperatures and have relatively low growth and shrink rates as moisture does not have a significant impact on dimensional properties.
Lightweight yet Durable
The lightweight features yet extremely durable material is what make composites great alternatives to wood due to easy installment and less maintenance. In an application such as a Utility pole, wood has dominated the field for years. However, with constant damages, repairs, and now environmental concerns, many have turned to composite utility poles for an easy lightweight installment and increased lifespan.
Design flexibility
Due to the design capabilities when producing a composite, you can still have the eye-catching aspects of wood without the downsides. Furthermore, you can achieve these eye-catching appearances with an even stronger design by leveraging the benefits of the composite process.